有时,生活中的挑战会变得越来越难以驾驭,而且会 导致痛苦的感觉和自残的想法. The College wants to ensure 所有的学生,教师和工作人员都知道风险因素,警告信号, 以及任何经历心理健康危机的人都可以获得的资源. If you or someone 有自杀念头的人,有很多方法可以立即获得帮助.

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Suicide Prevention Hotlines

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline logoNational

State and Local

  • Berks County Crisis – 610-379-2007
  • 巴克斯县移动危机(Lenape) - 1-877-435-7709
  • Chester County Crisis (Holcomb) – 610-280-3270
  • ChildLine, child abuse hotline – 1-800-932-0313
  • 特拉华县危机(Elwyn) - 1-855-889-7827
  • 蒙哥马利县移动危机- 1-855-634-HOPE (4673)
  • Philadelphia Crisis – 215-685-6440
  • Veterans Crisis Line – Dial 988 and press 1 or text: 838255
  • WhyHunger  food helpline – 1-800-5-HUNGRY (486479)

Crisis Intervention Services

On Campus (24hrs/day)


  • Blue Bell Campus – 215-641-6666
  • Pottstown Campus – 610-718-1913
  • 兰斯代尔烹饪艺术学院- 267-646-5973

Off Campus (mobile crisis response; 24hrs/day)

  • 蒙哥马利县移动危机中心将会帮助你. Montgomery County Mobile Crisis 不仅为危机情况提供即时支持,而且还提供协助 managing recurring or future crises. Support is available to anyone in Montgomery 县(包括儿童、青少年、成人和家庭)每天24小时,每天7天 week at 1-855-634-HOPE (4673)
  • 巴克斯县危机服务热线- 1-800-499-7455
  • Chester County Crisis Services – 610-280-3270
  • 特拉华县危机联系小组- 1-855-889-7827
  • 利哈伊县危机干预- 610-782-3127
  • 费城县24小时精神健康代表热线215-685-6440

Mental Health Services


TimelyCare Telehealth

Montco提供方便,个性化和专业的心理健康和远程医疗 support to students through TimelyCare. This digital space offers counseling, therapy, 精神病学和有执照提供者提供的远程保健服务. Current students can access the log in details through Montco Connect

Local Support

Support Groups

National Support & Hotlines

Suicide Warning Signs and Risk Factors

Warning Signs

  • 谈论自杀,想死,自杀
  • 寻找自杀的方法,比如上网搜索或者买枪
  • Having a plan for carrying out suicide
  • 谈论感觉自己毫无价值、绝望或没有活下去的理由
  • Talking about being a burden to others
  • 突然高兴和平静,尤指在一段时间的沮丧或悲伤之后
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Getting affairs in order, making arrangements
  • Increasing alcohol or drug use
  • Preoccupation with death
  • Acting anxiously or agitated; behaving recklessly.
  • Sleeping too little or too much.
  • 退缩:从社会关系/情况中退缩或改变
  • Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge.
  • Displaying extreme mood swings.
  • 与性格或背景不相符的愤怒或敌意
  • Recent increased agitation or irritability

Risk Factors

  • Diagnosis of depression
  • Previous suicide attempt
  • Family history of suicide
  • Loss of job, home, money
  • Death or terminal illness of a loved one
  • 离婚或失去重要的关系
  • Loss of health, either real or imagined
  • 亲近的人已经自杀了
  • Recent disappointment or rejection
  • Being expelled from school/fired from job
  • Sudden loss of freedom/fear of punishment
  • Victim of assault or bullying
  • Questioning gender

Reference: Prevent Suicide PA website.

Communication Plans

Suicide Prevention Communication Plan

Montco将四次部署多渠道自杀预防沟通计划 每年:秋季学期(9月)和春季学期(1月)开始 再次在期末考试周开始时(12月和5月). The communications will be sent 通过电子邮件和Montco Connect发送给学生.

这些信息将通过电子邮件和Montco Connect发送给学生, 同时突出自杀意识信息,并链接到免费的危机应对 以及自杀预防计划页面上的心理健康资源. Additionally, Montco将开展一项社交媒体活动,鼓励自杀预防和心理治疗 health awareness to the surrounding community. The social media campaign will be deployed 9月,作为全国预防自杀意识月的一部分,5月, as part of Mental Health Awareness Month.

Postvention and Communication Plan

如果确认有学生、教职员工自杀, 学院将随时提供支持服务,并与您直接沟通 with affected students, faculty, and staff. The Office of the President, Wellness 总监和/或学生事务处将与公关部共同工作,分享信息 to the appropriate parties.